interview28 江戸川区 S様
江戸川区 S様邸
Q. What made you decide to buy a single-family home? (一戸建てを購入しようと思ったきっかけは何ですか?)
We have two daughters, both wanted to stay in detached house,which allows them to enjoy freely.
Q. When you decided to buy a single-family home, what was your first step? (一戸建てを購入しようと思った時、まず何からはじめましたか?)
We searched designs online, and finalized one dream house for us.
Q. There are many housing companies besides Houset. What, if anything, makes our company different from other housing companies? (ハウセット以外にもたくさんの住宅会社はあります。他の住宅会社と弊社の違った点があれば教えてください。)
The house from HOUSET was very well designed with considers of household requirements.
奥様が「my favorite space!」と太鼓判のキッチン
Q. What were some of the most difficult or memorable aspects of buying a house? Anything, such as episodes with our sales representative, Ishikawa. (家を購入する際に大変だった事や思い出はありますか?営業担当の石川とのエピソードなど何でも大丈夫です。)
Mr.Ishikawa helped us in the procosed to purchae home.
He took us at every location, It was He is every kind and helping to foreigners. (We can't speek Japanese.)
Q. What was the most important factor in purchasing this home? (こちらの住宅購入の一番の決め手を教えてください。)
The Nook, Ample storage and beautiful design are the key factors.
Q. Please tell us about the biggest change you have experienced since actually living in the house. ( 実際に住まわれて一番変化のあった事を教えてください。)
The house is big enough for four members, giving us ample place to enjoy routine life.
Q. Please tell us about any areas of your current home that you are most satisfied with or that are your favorites. (今のお住まいの中で一番満足している箇所やお気に入りの箇所があったら教えてください。)
The laundry room,nook,SIC,balcony are the most enjoyable places in this house.
Q. What would you say to those who are currently struggling to choose a housing company? (今、住宅会社選びで悩んでいる方に何か一言お願いします。)
We recommend them to consider HOUSET once, we believe if they attach themselves with Houset they will be happy.